
Simulation Study of Fluid Sloshing and Pressure Transient Variation Inside Liquid Oxygen Tank under Variable Accelerations

  • 摘要: 运载火箭发动机空间关机后,液氧贮箱沿轴向的过载力迅速衰减,在径向过载力扰动下,可能导致箱内液氧大幅晃动及贮箱压力衰减。由此,本文建立了三维过载力瞬变工况下低温推进剂贮箱晃动仿真模型,且在模型中考虑了气枕、液相、金属壁之间的热质传递作用。对比分析了防晃结构以及气枕气体组分对箱内流体扰动与压力衰减的影响。研究结果表明:在轴向过载力降低后,径向过载力会造成箱内液氧大范围晃动,对比无防晃结构贮箱条件,水平与十字防晃板相结合的方式能够显著降低推进剂的晃动幅度,即十字隔板贮箱和全结构贮箱压降为0.141 MPa和0.137 MPa,降低23.8%和25.9%。晃动过程贮箱压力的衰减同时受气枕平均温度降低、气枕气体冷凝效应影响。当气枕存在氦气时,气枕的冷凝效应降低,造成压力降低速率减小。气枕为纯氦气或75%氦气工况下,贮箱的压降幅值约为0.047 MPa,小于纯氧气条件。所构建三维模型可指导低温贮箱空间流体管理、重复使用运载器返回过程推进剂流体管理等工程设计。


    Abstract: After the space shutdown of the launch vehicle engine, the axial acceleration force on the liquid oxygen tank rapidly decreases, and the probable acceleration force variation along the radial direction could lead to significant propellant sloshing and pressure decrease inside the tank. A three-dimensional simulation model for cryogenic propellant sloshing under the acceleration force variations in three directions was established in this paper, and the heat and mass transfers between the tank ullage, liquid phase and tank wall were taken into account. A comparative analysis was conducted to assess the effects of the anti-sloshing structure, the initial temperature distribution, and the gas composition on the initial ullage on fluid movement and pressure decrease within the tank. It was found that when the axial acceleration force was reduced remarkably, the radial acceleration force could yield an apparent liquid oxygen sloshing inside the tank. Compared to the tanks without anti-sloshing structure, the combination of horizontal and cross-sloshing plates can significantly reduce the propellant sloshing amplitude. Specifically, the pressure drop of the cross-slosing plates tank and the full structure tank was respectively 0.141 MPa and 0.137 MPa, which was reduced by 23.8% and 25.9%. In addition, the tank pressure decrease during the sloshing process was affected by the decrease of the ullage average temperature and the gas condensation effect in the ullage region. Furthermore, when helium component existed in the ullage, the gas condensation effect was greatly reduced, resulting in a slower pressure reduction during sloshing process. Under the conditions where the gas ullage contained pure helium or 75% helium mixture, the pressure amplitude in the tank was approximately 0.047 MPa, which was lower than that under pure oxygen conditions. Generally, the introduced CFD model could be used for the designs of cryogenic propellant management techniques in space and for the reusable rocket.


