
The Design and Simulation Analysis of a Flexible Supporting Rod for LH2 Tanks

  • 摘要: 随着液氢在民用领域的逐渐普及,其在机载运输过程中除了需要考虑支撑强度和绝热性能外,运载平台的振动也成为了亟须解决的关键问题。然而,在国内,对于此方面的研究较少。由此,提出了一种由一减振模块和球接触绝热模块组成的柔性支撑结构,该结构在实现支撑和绝热的同时对外部的振动进行隔离。首先,详细介绍了柔性支撑的基本原理和详细结构,给出了容积为50 L液氢储罐样件的主要结构参数和运行参数;其次,基于动力学理论对其进行了减振分析,确定弹簧劲度系数、拉压行程、匹配的阻尼系数、强度等参数的设定方案,得出弹簧和阻尼之间的影响关系;最后,建立了支撑杆的参数化结构,开展了传热性能仿真,得出杆组以及杆件各个部件的温度云图。仿真结果表明:柔性支撑杆能够有效降低外部振动的振幅,对大于5 Hz的外部振动,可使其幅值降低至6%以下。此外,得益于减振模块采用细小线径的弹簧结构,加上球接触效果,极大增加了支撑杆的热阻,使得单杆截面内的漏热量仅为22 W/m2,相比相同长度等截面刚性拉杆的热通量降低了55.1%。


    Abstract: With the gradual prevalence of liquid hydrogen in the field of the civilian applications, in addition to considering the support strength and insulation performance during the airborne transportation process, the vibration characteristics of the carrying platform have also become a key issue that needs to be urgently addressed. However, the domestic research in this specific area remains relatively limited. Therefore, this paper proposes a versatile support structure comprised of a damping module and a ball contact insulation structure. This innovative structure is designed to achieve both the support and the insulation while effectively isolating the system from external vibrations. Firstly, a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and detailed structure of the flexible support structure is proposed. The primary structural and operational parameters for a prototype liquid hydrogen storage tank with a capacity of 50 L are presented. In addition, based on the dynamic theory, a damping analysis of the proposed structure is conducted. This analysis aims to determine the setting schemes for parameters such as the coefficient of spring stiffness, compression and extension travel, matching damping coefficient, and strength. The influence relationship between the spring and damping elements is determined. As a final point, a parametric structure for the support's structure is established, and the heat transfer simulations are performed. Temperature distribution diagrams for the rod assembly and its individual components are obtained. The simulation results demonstrate that the flexible support can effectively reduce the amplitude of external vibrations. For external frequencies greater than 5 Hz, the amplitude can be reduced below 6%. Furthermore, due to the small diameter of spring's wire of the damping module and the ball contact, thermal resistance in the supporting rod greatly increases, resulting in a low heat flux of only 22 W/m², which is about 55.1% lower than that of an equal length rigid rod in the same assembling space.


