龙美彪, 王兆龙, 赖振国, 等. 含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜不同载荷下的磨损寿命研究[J]. 真空与低温, 2021, 27(2): 115-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2021.02.002
引用本文: 龙美彪, 王兆龙, 赖振国, 等. 含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜不同载荷下的磨损寿命研究[J]. 真空与低温, 2021, 27(2): 115-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2021.02.002
LONG Meibiao, WANG Zhaolong, LAI Zhenguo, et al. Wear Life of Fullerene-like Hydrogenated Carbon Films under Different Loads[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2021, 27(2): 115-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2021.02.002
Citation: LONG Meibiao, WANG Zhaolong, LAI Zhenguo, et al. Wear Life of Fullerene-like Hydrogenated Carbon Films under Different Loads[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2021, 27(2): 115-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2021.02.002


Wear Life of Fullerene-like Hydrogenated Carbon Films under Different Loads

  • 摘要: 碳基薄膜在不同载荷工况下磨损寿命变化是影响其动态服役的关键,通常情况下,含氢碳薄膜的寿命随载荷增加而降低,但是含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜作为一类特殊结构的薄膜,其寿命随载荷的变化规律尚不清楚。本文采用直流电源激发等离子体辅助化学气相沉积的方法在硅片表面制备了含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜,研究了薄膜的磨损寿命随载荷的变化关系。采用球-盘往复摩擦实验机评价了薄膜的摩擦因数及磨损寿命,使用纳米压痕仪研究了薄膜在不同载荷下和不同磨损时间的磨痕硬度。结果显示,薄膜的磨损寿命随载荷的增加未发生明显变化;不同载荷下,在磨合期,摩擦表面发生了塑性变形,形成了硬化层,导致磨痕表面硬度(H)增加;摩擦因数稳定后,磨痕硬度不再变化;随着载荷变大,摩擦初期磨痕表面硬度增大;薄膜的磨损寿命(T)与载荷(W)的乘积(TW)与H成正比例关系,即载荷增加,薄膜表面硬度也随之增加,磨损降低,磨损寿命保持稳定。


    Abstract: The wear life of carbon-based films is depending on the loading that the life decrease with increase load.However,the inner nanostructure is an another key to influence the wear life.The hydrogenated fullerene-like carbon (FLC:H) films are a new family that with high elastic recovery and low friction coefficient,much better than that of carbonbased films reported before.Therefore,to determine the wear life varation with loads is much important.In present work,FL-C:H films was grown on the surface of the silicon wafer by DC plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition.The structure of the films was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM),high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and Raman spectroscopy.The hardness of the wear trace surface of the film at the wear stage was measured by nano-indenter.The friction coefficient and the life span of the film under different loads were studied by using the ball disc reciprocating friction and wear tester.The relationship between the changing of the film life under different loads,as well as the film hardness of the wear trace surface was discussed.By measuring the surface hardness of the wear traces of the films with different proceeding time of friction under load of 10,20 and 25 N,it can be speculated that during the friction,plastic deformation occurs in the surface of the wear trace surface during the running-in period and the hardness of the contacting surface of the films increases.When the friction coefficient is stable,the surface hardness remains stable within a certain range.When the load becomes larger,the initial surface hardness of the wear trace also increases accordingly.Following the Archcard's law,we can obtain that TW=(Db/k) H.The product of the wear time (wear life) T of hydrogenated fullerene-like carbon films and the load W to the product of the total thickness D and the wear width b to the wear coefficient k ratio is proportional to the hardness of films.The conclusion can be proved that it is reliable from the point of experiments.It can be explained that with the load increases,the film friction coefficient decreased and its wear life remained stable phenomenon,that is,the load increases,the film surface hardness also increases,so the wear and tear weakened,making the wear life and stability.


