习振华, 郭美如, 李博文, 等. 计量级磁悬浮转子真空计技术研究[J]. 真空与低温, 2022, 28(4): 409-419. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2022.04.005
引用本文: 习振华, 郭美如, 李博文, 等. 计量级磁悬浮转子真空计技术研究[J]. 真空与低温, 2022, 28(4): 409-419. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2022.04.005
XI Zhenhua, GUO Meiru, LI Bowen, et al. Technology for Development of Metrological-grade Spinning Rotor Gauge[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2022, 28(4): 409-419. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2022.04.005
Citation: XI Zhenhua, GUO Meiru, LI Bowen, et al. Technology for Development of Metrological-grade Spinning Rotor Gauge[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2022, 28(4): 409-419. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2022.04.005


Technology for Development of Metrological-grade Spinning Rotor Gauge

  • 摘要: 磁悬浮转子真空计为国际公认的高真空范围溯源/传递标准,因其优良的计量特性和化学惰性,广泛应用于航空航天、核工业、半导体和高端装备制造等领域。针对高真空范围传递标准国产化需求,开展了永磁偏置转子稳定悬浮、转子轴向位移精确测量、转子转速衰减速率动力学模型构建及高精度检测等关键技术研究,为计量级磁悬浮转子真空计研制、实现高真空范围真空量值溯源/传递国际等效,进而建立我国现代先进的真空计量技术体系奠定基础。


    Abstract: The spinning rotor gauge is an internationally recognized high vacuum transfer standard.It is widely used in aerospace,nuclear industry,semiconductor,high-end equipment manufacturing and other fields because of its excellent metrological characteristics and chemical inertness.In order to realize the independent control of high vacuum measurements,the continuous research of key technologies was conducted.It concludes stable suspension based on permanent magnet,accurate measurement of rotor’s axial displacement,construction of kinetic model of rotor’s rotational speed decay rate and high precision detection.It will lay a foundation for the development of metrological-grade spinning rotor gauge,the international equivalence and traceable measurement in high vacuum range,and the establishment of modern advanced vacuum measurement technology system and vacuum quantity traceability system in China.


