刘民, 刘志宏, 卢耀文, 等. 构建空间守时系统引领时间规则变革[J]. 真空与低温, 2023, 29(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.01.001
引用本文: 刘民, 刘志宏, 卢耀文, 等. 构建空间守时系统引领时间规则变革[J]. 真空与低温, 2023, 29(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.01.001
LIU Min, LIU Zhihong, LU Yaowen, et al. To Build Space Time-keeping System to Lead the Revolution of the Regulation of Time[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2023, 29(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.01.001
Citation: LIU Min, LIU Zhihong, LU Yaowen, et al. To Build Space Time-keeping System to Lead the Revolution of the Regulation of Time[J]. VACUUM AND CRYOGENICS, 2023, 29(1): 1-4. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.01.001


To Build Space Time-keeping System to Lead the Revolution of the Regulation of Time

  • 摘要: 随着人类航天活动向月球、火星以及更深更远宇宙空间拓展,以守时-授时为技术特征的现行时间规则在地球以外不再适用。如何统一地球以外的时间?这已成为困扰物理学、天文学、空间科学以及计量科学界的重大科学问题。对地球时间规则受限于大地水准面条件、授时技术不适用于跨越不同坐标系或相对论效应不可忽略的情况进行了分析。提出了相对时间观,从标准时间、统一时间方法、相对论效应处理方法、时间均匀性、历表时间索引以及对同时性的理解等6方面比较了与绝对时间观的不同。提出了新守时系统的构想,该系统基于广义相对论的原时和坐标时。比较了现有时间规则与空间守时系统的5个不同之处。空间守时系统可作为解决地球以外时间统一问题的途径之一。


    Abstract: As human space activities expand to the Moon, Mars, and deeper and beyond, the current time rules charac-terized by timekeeping-timedisseminating are no longer applicable beyond the Earth.How to unify the time beyond the Earth?This has become a major scientific problem in physics, astronomy, space science and metrology.This paper analyzes that the rule of time on the Earth is limited by geoid conditions, and that time service or time dissemination techniques are not suitable for spanning different coordinate systems or where the effects of relativistic could not be ignored.The relative time view is proposed, comparing the difference with the absolute time view from 6 aspects of standard time, the method to unify time, the method to treat relativistic effect, time uniformity, and the time index for calendar, and understanding of simultaneity.A new time-keeping system based on the proper time and coordinate time of general relativity is proposed.The five differences between the existing time rules and the space time-keeping system are compared.The space timekeeping system could become one of the way to deal with the problem to unifiy time beyond the Earth.


