赵呈选,龙建飞,王鹢,等. 月球极区附近典型的月面等离子体环境及地形的遮挡效应分析[J]. 真空与低温,2023,29(6):555−561. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.06.003
引用本文: 赵呈选,龙建飞,王鹢,等. 月球极区附近典型的月面等离子体环境及地形的遮挡效应分析[J]. 真空与低温,2023,29(6):555−561. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.06.003
ZHAO C X,LONG J F,WANG Y,et al. Analysis of typical plasma environment and terrain shielding effect near the lunar polar regions[J]. Vacuum and Cryogenics,2023,29(6):555−561. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.06.003
Citation: ZHAO C X,LONG J F,WANG Y,et al. Analysis of typical plasma environment and terrain shielding effect near the lunar polar regions[J]. Vacuum and Cryogenics,2023,29(6):555−561. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-7086.2023.06.003


Analysis of Typical Plasma Environment and Terrain Shielding Effect near the Lunar Polar Regions

  • 摘要: 由于特殊的环境条件,月球南极地区近年来逐渐成为月面着陆探测重点关注的区域。在未来开展月面南极地区探测时,探测器将受到月面复杂环境的影响。月球处于较复杂的空间等离子体环境,对南极地区月面探测器带电影响较大的环境主要包括太阳风环境、磁鞘环境和等离子体片环境等。计算在不同空间等离子体环境条件下,月球极区月面巡视器表面及附近的电位分布,并分析电位分布形成的原因。建立典型撞击坑的仿真模型,探索撞击坑附近不同带电粒子的分布以及尘埃颗粒的迁移特征。研究结果将加深对月球极区月面环境的认识,为月面探测活动中遇到的环境问题提供理论参考。


    Abstract: In recent years, due to special environmental conditions, the south polar region of the Moon has gradually become a focus for the lunar landing exploration. In the future, lunar exploration in the south-polar region will be carried out, and the detectors will be affected by the complex environment on the lunar surface. The Moon revolving around the earth will encounter different space plasma environments. The environments that have an impact on the surface charging of the detectors mainly include the solar wind environment, the magnetosheath environment, and the plasma sheet environment. The potential distribution on and near the lunar rover under different space plasma conditions was calculated, and the reasons for the formation of the potential distribution were analyzed. Moreover, a simulation model of a typical crater was established to explore the distribution of different charged particles near the crater and the migration characteristics of dust particles. This study will deepen our understanding of the lunar polar environment and provide theoretical reference for the environmental issues encountered in future lunar exploration activities.


