
The development of spacecraft refrigator

  • 摘要: 随着空间技术的发展,使得各种遥感仪广泛用于航天器上。如红外探测器、X射线、γ射线和亚毫米波探测器等须在低温下工作才能提高灵敏度,降低热噪声。因此,制冷系统是空间技术不可缺少的重要组成部分。目前采用的制冷系统有:被动制冷包括辐射制冷和低温制冷剂贮存系统;机械制冷机。主要介绍了空间制冷机分类、特点,在航天器上已经和即将使用的制冷机。


    Abstract: with the development of space technology,each kind of rem-ote sensing instruments are widely used in spacecraft,i.e. infra red detector、X ray γ ray and submillimeter wave detector etc must be operated in cryogenics,so as to improve sensibility and decrease thermal noise.So the refrigeration system is tlie essential and important component of space technology. At present the using refrigeration system are:passive refrigeration include storage system of refrigeration of radiation and cryogenic cold-producing medium;and mechanical refrigerator.This article mainly indroduces the classification and feature of space refrigerator,the refrigerators that we have used or will use in the future.


