
Quantitative ana lysis of Si-implanted GaAs by SIMS

  • 摘要: 通过对体均匀掺硅和离子注入硅样品的二次离子质谱(SIMS)深度剖面分析,采用均匀体标样法、剖面二次离子强度积分法和LSS理论关系计算获得了比较一致的、且与手册值接近的GaAs中硅元素相对灵敏度因子值。将相对灵敏度因子法应用于双能量、双剂量硅离子注入GaAs样品及分子束外延多层GaAs膜渗硅的SIMS定量分折中。从实验结果初步讨论了GaAs中氧和碳元素的存在对28Si-、103SiAs-二次离子信号强度的影响,28SiAs-和103Si-二次离子信号强度的线性关系和可靠性。


    Abstract: In SIMS profiling of GaAs in which Si well-distributed and Si-implanted,the RSF of Si in GaAs coinciding with the value in manual bas been obtained via the methods such as the reference sample in homogene-ous volume,the integral of secondary ion intensity in profile,as well as the calculation by LSS theory.The RSF is also applied to quantitatire analysis of Si-implanted GaAs witli double-energies and double-doses,and Si-doped MBE multilayers GaAs.The influence of oxygen,carbon in GaAs on secondary ion signals of 28Si-,103SiAs and the Linear relationship of 28Si- to 103SiAs have been discussed.


