
The technique of helium mass spectrometer leak detection in air conditioner production

  • 摘要: 氦质谱检漏技术在空调器生产中已得到了应用,产生了明显的经济效益。对于生产线的空调器整机检漏采用了加压吸枪法。研制的检漏设备分三部分:充氦系统、氦质谱检漏仪和氦气回收系统,回收效率可达90%以上。设计了一套二器(冷凝器和蒸发器)氦质谱检漏设备。这套设备可对两器进行总检,其检漏速度达50s/台,灵敏度达10-9Pa·m3/s。


    Abstract: The technique of helium n1ass spectrometer leak detection has been used in air conditioner production,Which brings benefits obviously. The pressurezing sniffer counterflow tecLnique was designed in the air conditioner leak detection, it can be divided three systems:pressure helium systein,heliummass spectrometer leak detection system and retrieve helium system. All they operate automaticaly.The efficiepJcy of retrived helium is higher than 90%. Another equipment is developed for air conditoner refrigerator and evaporator leak detection. Its can detect refrigerator or evaporator with the speed of 50s for every refrigerator or evaporator and thc sel1sitiyity 10-9 Pa·-m3/s.


