
The application of high pressure and cryogenicshydrogen purification in hydro-liquefaction production

  • 摘要: 介绍了在氢液化生产中两种氢气纯化方式的比较。研制出77K高压氢气纯化装置。高压氢气在液氮温度下纯化后,直接进入氢液化器进行液化循环,减少了生产中不利因素的影响,保证了氢气纯度。简化了生产工艺,能源得到了充分利用。给出吸附器设计方法们吸附剂选择以及简要而实用的结论。


    Abstract: It compares two means of hydrogen purification in hydro liquification production,and manufactures 77K purification device of high pressure hydrogen。After high pressure hydrogen purified under liquid nitrogen temperature,it comes into hydrogen liquefier and beliquefied circulate.This reduces harmful influence in production and ensures hydrogen purity.So it simplifies production technology and energy resources can be made a full use.It also gives device methods of absorber、choices of absorbent and simple and practical conclusion.


