Numercal calculation accelerative field of designig ionized clusterbeam device
摘要: 离化团束装置中的一个重要组成部分就是有一个可调的加速场。工艺上的特点增加了沉积材料的原子在基底表面的迁徙和膜在基底表面的粘附力。重点介绍设计的离化团束装置的加速电场的数值计算分析。在不增加投资的情况下,优选出一种实用的、可行的离化团束装置。Abstract: A important part in the ionized cluster beam device is adjust-able accelerative field.The technological characteristic increase migration and adhesion of depositing material in the substrate。This paper give emphasis to indroduce numerical calculation of accelerative field of designing ionized cluster beam device, in case of no increasing investment,we elect a useful,feasible ionized cluster beam device.