The preparation and performance of the microcapsule phase change material for cool storage are inve stigated.The microcapsule phase change material for cool storage is prepared by complex coacervation method with gelatin and acacia as wall materials,tetradecane(C
30) as a core material in an emulsion system.The Differenti al Scanning Calorimeter(DSC) was used to determine the melting temperature,the melting latent heat,the freezin g temperature,the freezing latent heat.The thermogravimetry(TG) was used to determine the thermal stability of t he microcapsule phase change material for cool storage.The Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM) was used to vie w the microstructure.The results show that the microcapsule phase change material for cool storage has larger phase change latent heat and better thermal stability,so it can be considered as an efficient cool storage material fo r air conditioning system.