Numerical simulation of steady state temperature field in microwave GaAs power FETs
摘要: 根据微波功率GaAs功率场效应晶体管芯片结构特点建立热模型,用有限元法对模型数值求解得到芯片稳态温度分布。分析了影响芯片表面沟道温度的诸因素:功耗、芯片周围环境温度、GaAs材热导率、芯片厚度、芯片热源分布及其跨导。Abstract: The tliermal model of steady state temperature in microwave GaAs power FET Chips,hased on its geometry structure feature,is developed, its nulnerical solution is obtained with three dimension finite element rnethods,The factors which influence on chip surface channel temperature are analysed.including its power dissipation,its ambicnl lemperature,Ga-As material thermal conductivity,chio thickness,heat source distribution in the chip.FETs transcondtictance.