Calculation of the vacuum svstem used in FYS-1 installation of manual TIG welding for prevention of oxidization
摘要: FYS-1防氧化手工钨极氩弧焊设备的真空系统是保证焊接室内高纯氩气的先块条件。管道中气体的紊流流动导致水力损失,造成焊接室有机玻璃罩内外壁压力差。分析计算了这个压力差的最大值。讨论了减小压力差的方法。Abstract: The vacuum system is the precondition to ensure high purity Ar gas in the welding chamber ot FYS-1 installation of manual TIG welding for prevetion of oxidization.The loss of liydraulic power resulting from the turbulent flow of gas inside pipeline gives rise to pressure difference be-tween inner and outer surfaces of the polymethy glass cover. The maximum of pressure difference has been analysed and calculated.The methods to redu-ce the pressure difference heve been discussed。