
Diamond thin films grown up by microwave plasma CVD

  • 摘要: 建立了一台微波等离子体化学气相沉积金刚石薄膜的设备。该实验装置由以下几部分组成:微波源及传输系统、反应室、供气系统、真空系统和检测等五部分组成。沉积室是由长70mm直径46mm的石英管组成的。分别采用CH4/H2和CO/H2混合气体进行了沉积试验;研究了沉积参数对沉积金刚石膜的影响。在直径30mm的单晶硅片和石英片上沉积出了均匀的金刚石膜。采用CH4/C2混合气体时,沉积速率在0.5~1.0μm/h之间,这与原有的热灯丝方法相近。采用CO/H2混合气体时,沉积速率可达到1.7μm/h。


    Abstract: An apparatus of microwave plasma CVD diamond thin film was costrcucted.It consists of microwave power,waveguide system,plasma depo-sition chamber,gas handling system,vacuum system and measuring system。The deposition chamber consists of a quartz tube 46 mm in diameter and 70 mm in height.The diamond films were deposited by gas mixture CH4/H2 and CO/H2 separately in this system.We studied the effects of the deposition parameters on the diamond film and successfully deposited the films on single crystal silicon and quartz slices with 30 mm in diameter,It was found that the deposition rate was about 0.5~1.0μm/h with gas mixture of CH4/H2,which was similar to the hot filament CVD deposition system we had before.The deposition rate increased to 1.7um/h with gas mixture of CO/H2,and the morphology of the coatings was better。


