Thermomechanics analyses, i.e. steady thermal analysis and steady stress analysis, have been carried out for the structure of a blanket BFEB. The Fusion Experimental Breeder, FEB, is adopted as the reference reactor. The ferrite steel HT9 is adopted as the structure material.
The parts model for the blanket BFEB in Pro/ENGINEER code are created, then turn to Pro/MECHANICA code functionality for thermomechanics analyses. During analyses, the distribution of the power density in the blanket was optimised to be more flat, the arched curvature and rounds of cooling tube panels were optimised to less stiffness, and the boundary condition at the interface of helium cooling tube panel and manifold chamber was optimised,which is reasonable by using advanced welding processes with electron beam in a single pass. Finally, a maximum temperature
Tm 350 ℃(<450 ℃) and a maximum shear stress τ
max 79.4 MPa(≤80 MPa) for component parts of the BFEB blanket have been shown in the calculations.