

  • 摘要: 热声制冷是微型低温技术潜在的最佳方法。一台声驱动热声制冷机主要包含一个接在中空管道端部的声波发生器和一个在管道内预选位置处放置的热声器件。声波发生器产生的声波在热声效应作用下可在热声器件两端形成温度梯度。介绍了一种基于高效斯特林循环的热声制冷机的基本原理及主要组成。在此基础之上,可通过对各组成部件结构参数的计算、确认,设计出一台热声制冷机。


    Abstract: Thermoacoustic cooler driving by sound is the optimal project for developing of subminiature cryogenic technology. A thermoacoustic refrigeration device (TAR)includes an acoustic wave generation device arranged directed to the channel of a hollow tube, and a regenerator provided at a predetermined position in the channel of the tube. A temperature gradient is obtained across the regenerator by an acoustic wave emitted from the acoustic wave generation device. Therefore, a TAR realizing a gas Stirling cycle approximating the Carnot cycle which is an ideal gas cycle, and realizing simplification of the structure and high efficiency of the device is provided.


