摘要: 采用交流电化学沉积法,在小孔径的阳极氧化铝模板里,成功制备了Co磁纳米线有序阵列。通过机械抛光、化学抛光工艺,样品表面平整度可达到±10nm/μm2左右。采用透射显微镜(TEM) 扫描探针显微镜(SPM)观察了样品的表面形貌、Co纳米线的微观形貌和与形貌对应的磁畴图像。结果表明,纳米磁记录阵列膜里的每一根Co纳米线均为单畴结构,磁畴分布非常有序且与氧化铝微孔的形貌分布一一对应,畴的大小随磁力针尖离样品的高度不同略有变化;在一定的高度范围内,磁针离样品的高度和扫描速度不影响观察到的磁畴分布。样品在2T的外场下磁化后,大多数磁矩发生了反转。发现了相邻位之间磁畴的磁矩取反现象,这种阵列膜具有量子磁盘的原型结构。制备的阵列结构孔密度可达1011/cm2,如果每一个单畴存储二进制单元的一个信息位,相应的存储密度应达100Gbit/in2以上。该纳米磁记录阵列,有望成为新型的超高密度量子磁盘。Abstract: Co nanowires arrays were prepared by A.C electro-depositing Co2+ ion into the pore of a porous anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) template. A smooth surface(fluctuant degree was under ±10 nm/μm2) after the samples being mechanism polished and chemical polishing. The morphology properties of Co nanowire arrays were characterized by TEM, while the magnetic domain image was obtained by SPM. The each Co nanowire represented a single domain structure. The distribution of domain was corresponded to its morphology properties. The size of domain changed a little with the flying height of the magnetic tip. The observed domain structure would not change when the flying height of the magnetic tip was constricted to some range. All the domains reversed to one direction when the sample was magnetized under 2 T external field for ten minutes and the results were conformed to our micro-magnetization simulation results. The nearest domain had different magnetization direction, the same as the structure of quantized magnetic disk(QMD). As the wire density was very high(1011/cm2) in the as-prepared samples, the recording density was expected to be up to 100 Gbit/in2 if each single domain can represent one bit of a binary data. It was very impressive to make such media into QMD as the preparing process was simple and low cost.