
A manual pressurized liquid nitrogen pump

  • 摘要: 介绍了获国家实用新型专利的手动增压式液氮泵。该泵用于与符合GB5458的液氮生物容器配套,向其它杜瓦、冷阱等输送液氮。评述了各种液氮传输方法,给出了新泵的原理、结构、使用方法。试验结果:平均流量达到4.16L/min,扬程大于2m,传输效率95%,质量1.6kg。使用结果证明新泵具有结构简单、质量轻、连接密封可靠、操作方便、省力、流量大、连续工作性能稳定、传输效率高等优点,是一种较为理想的液氮传输设备。


    Abstract: Mainly introduces a manual pressurized liquid nitrogen pump which had got a state patent for utility model.CooPerating with liquid nitrogen biological container which is up to standard GB5458,the pump is used to transport liquid nitrogen to other liquid nitrogen container such as Dewer,(liquid nitrogen)cooling trap elc.Advantages and disadvantages of various liquid nitrogen transport n1ethod are discussed.The principle, structure and technical specification of the pun1p are presented.Test results determine the main technical speclfication of the pump:everage flow 4.16L/min,lift>2m,transportefficiency 95%,mass 1.6kg. Working results show the pump has followii1g advantages:simple structure,light weight, reliable seal,convenient for handle,larger flow rate, stable performance in continuous operation, and light transport efficiency etc.Th0refore,it is a quite ideal equipment for liquid nitrogen transport.


