Experimental measurements of the edge plasma rotation and electric field have been carried out on both SOL and the boundary of the HL - 1M plasmas for Ohmic, Neutral Beam Injection(NBI), Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating(ICRH), Low Hybrid Wave(LHW) Injection and Electric Cyclotron Reso- nance Heating (ECRH) with a Mach/Langmuir probe array. The radial profiles of the poloidal flow rotation velocity V
pol, the radial electric field Er and the poloidal electric field E
o are measured during experiments of NBI, ICRH, LHW and ECRH, respectively. In experiments of HL - 1M tokamak, NBI, ICRH, LHW, and ECRH were used to study the confinement improvement, the edge fluctuations and the radial transport.